
Woomera Dog Group raised $300 which will go to RSPCA! We love it when local dog owners support animals in need. Great work Daniela and kudos to the Woomera Dog Group!

 #treat2save. Bobbie Dogs loves keeping it local and Little Bay, Sydney is where its at this month for February #TREAT2SAVE

Woomera Dog Group is holding a CHARITY PUPPY PARTY on Sat 17th Feb 2018 from 4 - 6PM. The event will be held at Woomera Reserve, Little Bay. Dominique from The Dog Brigade will be giving talks and holding agility activities for all dogs. There will be raffles with Bobbie Dogs Treats up for grabs + many more doggie goodies. GOLD COIN donation with all proceeds going to RSPCA.

The RSPCA runs 40 shelters and employs around 1,000 staff. It costs more than $100 million each year to deliver all of our services which help improve the lives of Australian animals. Most of this money comes from public donations and fundraising initiatives just like the Woomera Dog Group.

If you live in the Little Bay area and want to come along please contact Daniela here