BOBBIE DOGS TREAT2SAVE MARCH & APRIL- Southern Cross Flyball Competition - Camden Show


Bobbie Dogs is a proud sponsor of Southern Cross Flyball Club Inc. Southern Cross Flyball Club is a small not for profit club that competes in a team dog sport, Flyball. Flyball is a relay race between two teams of four dogs, there are two runs set up side by side, and one dog from each team is released and has to race over four jumps, trigger a box that releases a ball, catch that ball and return over all four jumps, carrying the ball over the finish line where the next dog is waiting to be released. The fastest team wins. A fun sport for dogs and their owners, so fun we couldn't resist in supporting them.

flyball treat2save

Southern Cross Flyball is hosting a competition at the widely popular Camden Show on Saturday 17th March and Bobbie Dogs is sponsoring the event with Bobbie Dogs All Natural dog treats going to all the competition participants.

We will also be selling our treats at The Camden Show on Friday 16th & Sat 17th from 8am - 8pm, so please come and say hi, support the local events on the day and treat your dog with only the best Australian dog treats.

To see our market dates click here

For more information on everything The Camden Show click here

Find out more about Southern Cross Flyball Inc here and here

And please contact us if you are looking for sponsors for your next fundraising event ;) Email Kate on